Author's Note: This is what I think life would be like for a snake living in the desert.
I stick out my forked tongue, searching for a scent. There, a distant taste of short-tailed mouse and ugh, the vile stench of humans. I mentally prepare for a long and difficult journey before setting off ready to either find food or defend myself. The endless dunes of the ancient desert present no problem to me. I gently slip my aerodynamic head through the coarse grains of sand and enter the sub-terrainean highways of the my kind. Swiftly tightening my muscles I speed through the tunnel under hundreds of tons of sand and steadily gain on the mouse, and the humans. I hear a rumbling noise that almost sends me into a panic, but then I realize it's only my stomach. Silently I curse this infernal rumbling, it is going to give away me position! Finally after hours of traveling I erupt from the sand and instantly give chase to the terrified mouse. Speeding away from me it dives through a small grove of shrubs with me close behind and snapping at its tail. It breaks into the open but I stop, because a deep and visceral feeling warns me not to leave the safety of the shrub. I want to listen but the force of my hunger drives me on as a cautiously slither out of the shade. I instantly realize my mistake because I am looking at a large group of humans and they are not happy. One of the vile creatures tries to hit me with a club but I leap aside screeching and hissing. Before he can strike again I sink my fangs deep into his leg and the world goes dark.
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