Thursday, December 10, 2009


Author's Note: I spend a lot of time in the forest of wishing I was in the forest, so this is one of my favorite pieces.

I see the giant pines towering above me, for they are and always will be the ancient guardians of the forest. The clear blue sky peeks through the canopy and dapples the ground in a mixture of light and shade. Oak, birch, rowan, poplar, and all the life in this forest are competing for the light of the Sun. Yet in this place there is balance. This balance is the sustenance of all life. It decides what lives and what dies, and it shows no mercy. Some hate it and others love it. The opposites coexist with harmony and peace. One side giving life and the other destroying it, because in life there is death and in death there is life. This forest is the fruit of that balance.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Author's Note: This was just a little experiece that I really enjoyed and I also think that Poker is a good tool in learning how to mask your feelings.

I recently learned how to play poker. I already knew I loved to gamble, but this takes it to a whole new level! At the end of the time I had the most chips, and that was my first time playing. I also managed to bluff my way through a hand. It was very exciting and I can't wait to play again.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Edited Irony

Author's Note: This is a wierd piece. My brain scares me sometimes. This may give you nightmares so have fun with is.

Lashing pain burns my lower body, nearly searing the flesh off bone. There is nothing friendly about this fire, it burns only to destroy. The upper half of my body is covered in tiny spears of ice. Water turned evil. These two opposite forces work in harmony to break down my will. They are inside my body and out. I can no longer scream because my vocal cords snapped from the cold, just as my eyes popped from the cold. My hands froze solid then shattered. The stumps of my feet provide a doorway for the fire to enter my body. Opposite forces collide on the outside first causing my body to implode. My every bone is snapped. Then when they meet inside I'm blasted into a million pieces gently floating in the breeze. I am ready to welcome the relief of death when I realize that I can still feel what's happening to my body. The eternal pain still stalks me in death.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Author's Note: The ocean isn't really like this but sometimes I think it is.

I see the huge storm waves pound the cliff, trying to break down its very will to live. The dark sky looms overhead, and I can hear the rythmic pounding of the waves and the whistling of the wind. The wind feels like it's cutting me to shreds. The waves never stop beating the shore. The cold spray stings my eyes. The wind whips, the waves pound, the skies are gray. Mother Nature just declared war.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

4 Bikers of the Apocolypse

The other day Haden, Sammy, Gabby, and I formed a smaller division of the Gossip Gang. See Sammy's blog for info about that. Anyway we were bored so we went on a bike ride. Since there were 4 of us and the fact that we were riding around made me think about about the 4 horseman of the Apocolypse which Mr. J had been talking about that day. So I came up with the name 4 bikers of the Apocolypse. We rode around terrorizing people. Well I wish we had. Later Sammy and Gabby left so Haden and I went inside.

Bread Stream of Consciousness

Out of no where the marshmallow catches on fire. The flames gently lick around the edges and wherever it caresses the marshmallow turns black. The flames are gentle and kind, yet destructive. Within a matter of seconds the marshmallow falls to the ground and is completely devoured. I shrug away the joking comments of my family and grab another mallow. The process repeats again and again, just like life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Many of my friends ridicule me constantly for hunting. The question is if it's really that bad. I've been called Hitler, communist, communist leader, and Maeo Sung (a Chinese dictator). This is ridiculous! If people stopped hunting there would be major over population and many of the animals and or species would slowly starve to death. Hunters give them a quick death and we feed our families. Am I evil for helping to feed my family? Besides, all the taxes on our guns, ammunition, tags, and licences go directly to conservation funds. Now before you judge hunters just think for one minute.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Someone please tell me I'm not crazy! Or really angry.

I stand alone among the raging torrent. On a rock in the middle of the white water rapids. The roaring of the river fills my ears. I taste the spray, it's icy cold and tastes of freedom. Mountain peaks fill the sky in the distance, just as trees line the bank. I stay on my rock alone against the world. I feel warm though the water is freezing. This is home.
I think that we should always honor our veterans. They give their lives for others and ask so little in return. Veterans give safety to others at their expense, and yet we only acknowledge them once or twice a year. They deserve our respect.
The Revolutionary War saw the birth of our great nation but many lives of ordinary folk were lost, but the losses were for a great cause. The veterans were honored for a short time, then forgotten as a footnote in history. Memories of the brave souls only brought up once or twice a year. We should honor our veterans everyday, because it is the least we can do to repay them for their service.
The Civil War sawed our nation in half over petty disputes, and brothers fought each other as did neighbors, friends, and other family members. These soldiers were young boys and old men, and just about anyone that could hold a musket. The Confederate Army suffered from starvation and was forced to surrender. All the slaves were freed but the veterans of the war had nothing to return to for the war had destroyed their homes. Yet these veterans did not give up and worked hard to rebuild their farms, works and shops. This shows just a little bit of the determination and perseverance of veterans.
The Vietnam War was fought in virtually unexplored jungle terrain. Our veterans bravely went in not knowing what lay in wait for them. A completely knew style of fighting had to be adapted for fighting in this terrain. This war isn’t called the Helicopter War for nothing, these flying machines were used for fighting and medical evacuation. The veterans of the United States fought bravely but were called back for political reasons. Many suffered from post-war trauma.
These are just a few examples of our veterans courage and bravery. This is why our veterans deserve to be honored all the time, not just on a few holidays. We need them to feel like we care for them, and need them. They protect us so we need to respect them!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do my journals sound angry to anyone? I'll post some examples later. Tell me what you think.