Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Author's Note: This is how I view stone. Please comment. I would like to see people's responses to this.

A silent guardian of the mountain,

Set in stone,

A foundation of life

Impervious to man,

Impervious to death,

Impervious to corruption,

The heart of the mountain,

The soul of the world,

The spirit of man,

The eyes of Gaia



  1. This is a interesting poem. I liked it, but it kind of confused me. But I liked how you explained what you thought stone was in a poem.

  2. I found only one thing that is just probably me because I'm OCD like that. I don't really thing you should have 'set in stone' in there. I don't know, I just don't think it really goes there. The rest of the poem is great, though, especially the comparison of Stone to Truth.

  3. It was a good poem, though I thought it was kind of repetative in spots, like saying what was already said, if that makes sense.

  4. I would actually like to hear a comical poem on floor tiles. If at all possible.
