Thursday, December 10, 2009


Author's Note: I spend a lot of time in the forest of wishing I was in the forest, so this is one of my favorite pieces.

I see the giant pines towering above me, for they are and always will be the ancient guardians of the forest. The clear blue sky peeks through the canopy and dapples the ground in a mixture of light and shade. Oak, birch, rowan, poplar, and all the life in this forest are competing for the light of the Sun. Yet in this place there is balance. This balance is the sustenance of all life. It decides what lives and what dies, and it shows no mercy. Some hate it and others love it. The opposites coexist with harmony and peace. One side giving life and the other destroying it, because in life there is death and in death there is life. This forest is the fruit of that balance.

1 comment:

  1. That was really good. Your voice was really good and what you said is really true.
